Erosion is the process by which the surface of the Earth gets worn down. Erosion can becaused in El Yunque due to winds and steady flow of water caused by gravity.Of the three, water is the biggest cause of erosion because there's so much of it in Puerto Rico
Non-Flowering Plants
A plant that does not flowers, Non-flowering plants are some of the oldest plants on earth. Some famous non-flowering plants are ferns and horsetails. Fossils of these ferns and horsetails can often be seen in pieces of coal. Non flowering plants have survived for so long because they have been able to adapt to all the changes that have taken place on earth.
Flowering Plants
A flowering plant produces flowers and fruit. These plants contain seeds, these seeds are sealed within a fruit. Flower is a cluster of spore-bearing leaves surrounded by leaves.There are more than 10.000 flower plant species in El Yunque such as lichen, fungi and algae.
Drip tip-
the long, sharply-pointed tip on some rain forest plant leaves that makes water to flow quickly off the leaf surface. In El Yunque, many leaves have a driptip. With out it, water would build up on the leaf.
water systems.
water systems are rives and all its branches they can be found on all the waterfalls and rivers on El Yunque.

a weak-stemmed plant that gets its support from climbing twining or creeping along another surface.
the liana is any of various long-stemmed, usually woody vines that are rooted in the soild at ground level and use trees, as well as other mean of vertical support to climb up to the canopy trees. some lianas are strong enough to carry a adult human

A plant such as a tropical orchid, thatgrows on another plant from which receives support but not nutrients. It is Also called air plant
Shalow root systems
Rain forest plants have a Shallow root system due to an abundance of water the plants rootsdon't have to go deep to find water, therefore they stay in shallow terrain.
The top layer of a tropical rain forests is called the canopy. The canopy is thetop of the trees where are the branches and leaves. Many rain forest animals live in the canopy. Below the canopy is the layer called the understory. Thislayer is made up mostly of tree trunks, young trees and air plants. The bottomlayer of the forest is called the forest floor. The forest floor has few plantsgrowing because the soil is very thin. It is made up mostly of dead plantparts, fallen tree trunks covered in with moss, ferns, and fungi.